Botanical Gardens

The Botanical Gardens in the north of Chemnitz attract visitors old and young. Stretching across an area of 12 hectares, the attraction belonging to the City of Chemnitz links three different facilities – the Botanical Gardens, the School Biology Centre and the Conservation Centre. Their shared aim is to educate local residents, and in particular children and young people, about nature in a variety of ways. It focuses on Central European plant families and on agricultural crops from around the world. Both domestic and exotic plant species are on display.

Photo: W. Berthold, Botanischer Garten
Wild plants and agricultural crops from all the world’s tropical regions grow in a greenhouse that is open to visitors. Plants which would find a tropical house too hot enjoy ideal conditions in a cold house. There is also a 120-square-metre area for cacti and succulents.
In addition to the botanical sections, visitors can view the animal enclosures. They are home to farm animals such as geese, sheep and pygmy goats, alongside owls, ravens and raccoons, all of which live in environments suitable for their species. In a separate building, visitors can see small rodents such as hamsters, mice and degus. A special attraction is the aquarium house, which houses amphibians, reptiles, insects and fish.