Technology and research

Chemnitz Technology Centre

The Chemnitz Technology Centre (TCC) is a subsidiary of the City of Chemnitz and Chemnitz University of Technology. It is dedicated to supporting new businesses, in particular spin-offs from the city’s scientific institutions. The TCC’s mission is to encourage start-ups and support business consolidation and growth. The TCC thereby assumes some of the responsibilities of communal economic development.
Technology-oriented company founders in particular benefit from an environment which offers consultancy and networking opportunities combined with outstanding infrastructure and flexible workspaces. Its most recent offering, aimed at start-ups from the creative industry and from the university environment, is the start-up centre on the Brühl, which opened in October 2014 and offers co-working spaces and offices. The TCC manages four sites in Chemnitz providing a total space of almost 15,000 m² for offices, laboratories and workshops.
Smart Systems Campus

The Smart Systems Campus provides a consolidated network of microsystems technology competencies in Chemnitz. The extensive technology park, covering almost 4.5 hectares, connects renowned scientific and technological institutions directly with the start-up spirit, entrepreneurship and economic growth.
A close interweaving of science, research and industry is not only its vision, but also forms its substance and guides its day-to-day strategy as its immediate neighbours include Chemnitz University of Technology, the Fraunhofer Institutes and microsystems technology companies based in the industrial park.
The start-up building is available for use by around 15 newly founded companies and provides approximately 2500 square metres of workspace. The 1500 square metres designed for laboratory use offer companies user-specific facilities, which can be adapted to particular requirements.
The Smart Systems Campus research and development facilities foster optimum collaboration with renowned companies and established local research institutions through the joint use of facilities, equipment and training institutions.
The renowned research and development institutions on the campus include the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems (ENAS) and the Chemnitz University of Technology Faculties for Electrical Engineering & Information Technology and Mechanical Engineering, together with the Centre for Microtechnologies and the Institute for Print and Media Technology.