Our City

Portrait of the city
The history of Chemnitz tells a unique story – of groundbreaking inventions in automotive engineering, mechanical engineering and the textile industry, and of bold entrepreneurs such as Richard Hauptmann, Carl Gottlieb Haubold and Louis Schönherr. As a modern industrial city, Chemnitz has added a new chapter to this story, and today it is one of the German cities with the strongest growth. The city is a technological centre specialising in the automotive and supplier industries, information technology, mechanical engineering and microsystems technology.
Chemnitz is the third-largest city in Saxony. Chemnitz is first mentioned as “locus Kameniz” in 1143, when King Conrad III granted market rights to a Benedictine monastery founded in 1136 under the immediate authority of the Holy Roman Emperor. While the charter granting these rights does indicate the king’s intention to establish a town, it is not the founding document for the medieval settlement. The town, built according to a plan and then subordinate to the king alone, was probably constructed after the 1180s.
Chemnitz has friendly ties to twelve twin cities. Whilst Ústí nad Labem is only 90 minutes away from Chemnitz by car, Taiyuan and Akron are almost 8000 kilometres away. Irrespective of the geographical location, distance or cultural differences, each partnership enriches Chemnitz greatly.
The European Union provides a shared living and economic space for its over 500 million citizens in 28 member states. Many funding programmes have been established to fulfil the objectives of different policy areas.