
Chemnitz - A place for investors
Economy and science – Chemnitz was and is a city with a flourishing economy and the spirit of invention. The fileback fastener, the Thermos flask, mild detergent and many more innovations were all invented here in Chemnitz. The “King of Locomotives” Richard Hartmann, Louis Ferdinand Schönherr’s mechanical weaving looms and the founder of the West Saxon knitted fabric industry, Hans Eugen Esche, established the city’s reputation as an economic centre. Industry was not only responsible for developing successful products and generating profits, but also laid the foundations for the excellent reputation of Chemnitz companies, which still opens doors today.
Ten reasons for Chemnitz as a business location

Photo: Dirk Hanus
Chemnitz lies at the centre of a successful industrial region with a rich tradition. Passion, ideas and the ingenuity of the people who live and work here are the backbone of our success. WE are world-class engineers and inventors: machinery, vehicles, microelectronics, sensors, intelligent textiles, new materials, software for automated driving – around nine billion euros of added value are generated by top-quality products, intelligent services and a good pinch of Saxon level-headedness.